CEO Message - Akram Medical Complex

Emergency 24 Hours

(042) 35710400-05 / 03008400619

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Our Location

Ayesha Siddiqua Rd, Main Gulberg, Lahore, Punjab

Working Hours

24/7 Days

CEO Message


Welcome! At Akram Medical Complex, We’re more than just healthcare providers, We’re your friends. We go the extra mile. We give you that extra attention. We provide you with high quality healthcare you know you can trust. With us “Patients Come First”, that’s our commitment to you and the feeling that radiates through our halls day after day. We have created this atmosphere to provide good quality medical care in all disciplines of medicine and surgery to all patients in a caring and compassionate manner by an outstanding team of healthcare professionals.

The most critical ingredient for the success of a Healthcare institution is the expertise of its Medical Staff. We are proud to say that at AMC we have the best trained qualified and experienced group of consultants, junior doctors and para-medical staff. Large majority of our consultants are USA trained and Board Certified in their specialties and sub specialties. In addition to providing excellent care to their patients, these consultants have been very actively involved in setting up hospital systems, policies and procedures on the same lines and quality as any state of the art American Hospital. We are also fortunate to have well experienced consultants who were trained in UK. Therefore, we have the best of both healthcare systems.

All of us at AMC are united in pursuit of a single goal, to provide the highest quality healthcare possible, “Quality People Quality Care”.